Poster Design for an event at the V&A called Conscious Style where people take in old clothes and swap them for other garments to create a whole new look for yourself.
So im working on my website at the moment which i'm extremely exited about i am working on some exclusive typefaces, posters and t - shirt designs which will be available to buy direct from my site keep checking here for more information. For now ill be posting up some new work i have been doing over the next few days.
Here are 5 posters i designed for a project at uni, they are suppose to be printed on tees but screen print room has been out of action so haven't had a chance to get in and transfer these to tee shirts as soon as i do ill wack them up!
Thanks to Nicole Trundle for the Photoshop work! :)
I wasn't happy with the last cover i posted in the Phantasy - Dancearea section so i have arranged it a little better. I find this much more appealing and i think says a lot more about the music.
This Blog is an on going collection of research into The importance of physiological rehabilitation in patients suffering from long term hospitalization.
This study will be focusing on Patients that are paralyzed and suffer from other physical disabilities.